Quanah Gibson-Mount:
> --On Wednesday, February 25, 2015 5:55 PM -0500 Wietse Venema 
> <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:
> > Quanah Gibson-Mount:
> >> Imagine al...@example.com e-mails b...@zimbra.com, but bob has set up
> >> e-mail  forwarding to char...@bbc.com
> >>
> >> al...@example.com -> b...@zimbra.com -> char...@bbc.com
> >
> > Standard scenario.
> >
> >> But then... the e-mail is forwarded outside, to mx.bbc.com.
> >> Because the envelope from address is not modified, mx.bbc.com will
> >> reject the e-mail because the SPF record tells it to: mx.zimbra.com
> >> is not permitted to send e-mail from example.com.
> >
> > Did you mean:
> > al...@example.com -> b...@zimbra.com -> not(???@bbc.com) ->
> > char...@bbc.com? I don't see why that is revelant for this thread.
> No, not at all.  Just alice@example -> bob@zimbra -> char...@bbc.com

That is the same scenario. alice@example has no control over how
zimbra.com receives mail. Therefore the result can differ only if
b...@zimbra.com has different paths to forward mail out - one that
uses SRS and one that does not. In that case your infrastructure
is disorganized, and the scenario is irrelevant for this thread.


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