On Tue, Jun 09, 2015 at 05:11:09PM +0700, Koko Wijatmoko wrote:

> > in /etc/postfix/blockr
> > 
> > domain.com REJECT sorry, blocked.
> > .domain.com REJECT sorry, blocked.

This is a correct configuration in case which works whether or not
"parent_domain_matches_subdomains" is set empty.

> and test using 'postmap -q "string" /etc/postfix/blockr'.
> ex. "string" = "t...@domain.com" and "t...@test.domain.com"

This is not the right way to test, since "postmap -q" DOES NOT
do sub-domain matching or even query domain parts, ...  It only
looks up the literal key.

> > But postfix blocks only incase email are sent to domain.com , but it
> > accepts emails for subdomain ".domain". so why it is not working ?

Because the OP has failed to provide the full configuration, logs
of the restrictions working and not working, ...

> > How can I enforce postfix to block also the subdomain for the
> > recipient address ? 

By configuring the access check in question to apply to all outbound


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