[For clarity, I have re-added the remainder of my email that was snipped.]

* Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> [150801 16:58]:
> Marvin Renich:
> > Whether you have one real user for all virtual users or a setup with one
> > real user for each of many virtual domains, you must still have at least
> > one real user,
> Nope, that is incorrect.  The UNIX kernel does not care if a UID
> or GID has a symbolic user-land name, and therefore virtual(8) does
> not require that, either. Your mis-conception invalidates all your
> further arguments.

I apologize for not making myself more clear.  When I said "real user"
it was to differentiate it from "virtual user" (i.e. the recipient user
name in the virtual domain).  "user" was not intended to imply "user
name", only an identity (uid w/ or w/o an entry in /etc/passwd) that the
virtual(8) driver uses for delivery.

The point I was trying to make was that allowing a numeric uid is good,
but allowing the admin to choose between using a numeric uid or a user
name from /etc/passwd (or other user database used by getpwent(3)) is
better and has a significant advantage for migration or disaster

> > possibly many.  If the only way to specify the real
> > user(s) is by numeric ID, then the configuration must be edited when
> > moving the postfix setup to another machine (and depending on how it is
> > edited, there might be a significant chance for mistakes).  If names
> > were allowed, this would not be necessary.  In either case, you must
> > ensure that the new machine has the appropriate real users with their
> > Maildir folders.
> > 
> > I don't see a reason to not allow names, and allowing names makes things
> > easier.

These questions are on the same general topic, but do not depend on
whether the above suggestion is accepted or rejected:

> > Btw, I do not see anything in either the virtual(8) man page or the
> > descriptions of virtual_mailbox_maps, virtual_uid_maps, or
> > virtual_gid_maps in postconf(5) that describes what happens if
> > virtual_mailbox_maps has an entry for a virtual user, but
> > virtual_uid_maps does not.  What real uid is used to deliver the mail?
> > 
> > Also, if virtual_uid_maps has an entry for a user, but virtual_gid_maps
> > does not, how is the real gid determined?


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