Am 23. Jänner 2016 04:30:02 MEZ, schrieb Nguyen Nang Thang 
>----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Wietse Venema" <>
>> To: "Postfix users" <>
>> Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2016 9:57:40 AM
>> Subject: Re: Postfix Postscreen Pregreet Test
>> Nguyen Nang Thang:
>>> > Postfix sends:
>>> > 
>>> >   220-myhostname ESMTP
>>> > 
>>> > Postfix waits $postscreen_greet_wait seconds.
>>> > Bad SMTP clients will greet before $postscreen_greet_wait seconds
>>> > have passed.
>>> > 
>>> >   220 myhostname ESMTP
>>> > 
>>> > Good SMTP clients will greet now.
>>> Wietse:
>>> Thanks for your detailed explain. Can you suggest me technical ways
>to manually
>>> test Bad SMTP clients
>>> that greet before $postscreen_greet_wait seconds have passed?
>> echo whatever | nc host 25
>I dit my test as below:
># nc localhost 25 < /tmp/postscreen-greet-wait.txt
>The output:
>220 ESMTP Postfix (2.10.1)
>250 2.1.0 Ok
>250 2.1.5 Ok
>354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
>250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 35CA025E69
>The postfix/postcreeen log does not show info "PREGREET count after
>time from [address]:port text...",
>test message delivered normally (expect: test message prevented by
>So, is there another way to quickly make smtp connection via "nc" or
>another tool to test the parameter
Do this test from a different device. You probably have localhost in mynetworks 
and have configured 
> postscreen_access_list = permit_mynetworks,
> cidr:/etc/postfix/postscreen_access.cidr

>N. Thang

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