> Date: Sunday, February 28, 2016 21:07:19 -0500
> From: Ruben Safir <ru...@mrbrklyn.com> 
> Ah - ok I'm learning something at least..
> Mostly some address bounces, cruft from the list 4 list sends
> sandwiched in betweem at 17:17:14 and change.
> Two things about this bother me.  Previously with majordomo this
> wasn't a problem but WHY is mailman not marking bounces and
> removing them from the list.
> I know I am asking the wrong list.

As I remember it, mailman doesn't remove an address from a list
immediately as it could be a transient issue. Rather it removes
addresses based on a configured number of non-deliverable instances
(rejects and bounces) over a definable period of time. How you set
those values generally depends on how busy a list is and how dirty
the address base seems to be (and how willing you are to get your
mail server in trouble with sites that don't like high volumes of
bad addresses).

I haven't looked at the mailman documentation in some time, but
suspect that this is covered there in more detail.

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