On Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 10:01:35PM +0100, Dietrich Streifert wrote:

> Ah OK! This log entries may be helpfull:
> 135125:Mar  2 18:32:55 node1 postfix/smtp[9047]: 5B0A235E18A: Cannot start
> TLS: handshake failure
> 135131:Mar  2 18:32:55 node1 postfix/cleanup[22956]: 7D9B335E185:
> message-id=<20160302172755.5b0a235e...@xxxx.yyyy.de>
> 135133:Mar  2 18:32:55 node1 postfix/smtp[9047]: 5B0A235E18A:
> to=<dietrich.streif...@googlemail.com>, relay=localhost[]:10024,
> delay=300, delays=0.06/0.01/300/0.08, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 Ok:
> queued as 7D9B335E185)
> 135135:Mar  2 18:32:55 node1 postfix/qmgr[8697]: 5B0A235E18A: removed
> Is this all due to some stage trying to talk to smtp via TLS but fails?

Yes, the message is deferred when the TLS handshake fails.  Later
it is retried and either TLS succeeds, or fallback to cleartext
happens.  THere are probably more messages in the log about the
TLS failures.  Perhaps your firewall is blocking TLS, but there no
information to work with in what you've posted so far.

Try ("collate" script attached):

    # logfile=/var/log/mail.log # or whatever
    # perl collate "${logfile}" |
        perl -ne 'BEGIN {$/="\n\n"} print if m{5B0A235E18A}'

#! /usr/bin/perl

use strict;
use warnings;

# Postfix delivery agents
my @agents = qw(discard error lmtp local pipe smtp virtual);

my $instre = qr{(?x)
        \A                      # Absolute line start
        (?:\S+ \s+){3}          # Timestamp, adjust for other time formats
        \S+ \s+                 # Hostname
        (postfix(?:-\S+)?)/     # postfix instance

my $cmdpidre = qr{(?x)
        \G                      # Continue from previous match
        (\S+)\[(\d+)\]:\s+      # command[pid]:

my %smtpd;
my %smtp;
my %transaction;
my $i = 0;
my %seqno;

my %isagent = map { ($_, 1) } @agents;

while (<>) {
        next unless m{$instre}ogc; my $inst = $1;
        next unless m{$cmdpidre}ogc; my $command = $1; my $pid = $2;

        if ($command eq "smtpd") {
                if (m{\Gconnect from }gc) {
                        # Start new log
                        $smtpd{$pid}->{"log"} = $_; next;

                $smtpd{$pid}->{"log"} .= $_;

                if (m{\G(\w+): client=}gc) {
                        # Fresh transaction 
                        my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                        $smtpd{$pid}->{"qid"} = $qid;
                        $transaction{$qid} = $smtpd{$pid}->{"log"};
                        $seqno{$qid} = ++$i;

                my $qid = $smtpd{$pid}->{"qid"};
                $transaction{$qid} .= $_
                        if (defined($qid) && exists $transaction{$qid});
                delete $smtpd{$pid} if (m{\Gdisconnect from}gc);

        if ($command eq "pickup") {
                if (m{\G(\w+): uid=}gc) {
                        my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                        $transaction{$qid} = $_;
                        $seqno{$qid} = ++$i;

        # bounce(8) logs transaction start after cleanup(8) already logged
        # the message-id, so the cleanup log entry may be first
        if ($command eq "cleanup") {
                next unless (m{\G(\w+): }gc);
                my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                $transaction{$qid} .= $_;
                $seqno{$qid} = ++$i if (! exists $seqno{$qid});

        if ($command eq "qmgr") {
                next unless (m{\G(\w+): }gc);
                my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                if (defined($transaction{$qid})) {
                        $transaction{$qid} .= $_;
                        if (m{\Gremoved$}gc) {
                                print delete $transaction{$qid}, "\n";

        # Save pre-delivery messages for smtp(8) and lmtp(8)
        if ($command eq "smtp" || $command eq "lmtp") {
                $smtp{$pid} .= $_;

                if (m{\G(\w+): to=}gc) {
                        my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                        if (defined($transaction{$qid})) {
                                $transaction{$qid} .= $smtp{$pid};
                        delete $smtp{$pid};

        if ($command eq "bounce") {
                if (m{\G(\w+): .*? notification: (\w+)$}gc) {
                        my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                        my $newid = "$inst/$2";
                        if (defined($transaction{$qid})) {
                                $transaction{$qid} .= $_;
                        $transaction{$newid} =
                                $_ . $transaction{$newid};
                        $seqno{$newid} = ++$i if (! exists $seqno{$newid});

        if ($isagent{$command}) {
                if (m{\G(\w+): to=}gc) {
                        my $qid = "$inst/$1";
                        if (defined($transaction{$qid})) {
                                $transaction{$qid} .= $_;

# Dump logs of incomplete transactions.
foreach my $qid (sort {$seqno{$a} <=> $seqno{$b}} keys %transaction) {
    print $transaction{$qid}, "\n";

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