On 4/6/2016 3:34 PM, John Stoffel wrote:
>>>>>> "Noel" == Noel Jones <njo...@megan.vbhcs.org> writes:

> masquerading.  I've setup my /etc/postfix transport_maps like this:
>     #
>     # Added to make lotus notes and exchange happy
>     #
>     hdqmta.foo.bar.com  hdqmta
>     exmail1.foo.bar.com exmail1
> But it's not working.  I've setup stuff like you suggested in master.cf:
>     #
>     # TAEC
>     #
>     hdqmta    unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp
>           -o smtp_generic_maps=hash:/etc/postfix/generic_hdqmta
>     exmail1   unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp
>           -o smtp_generic_maps=hash:/etc/postfix/generic_exmail1
> But I do NOT have the smtp_generic_maps setup at all, because I need
> to re-write @foo.bar.com to @hdqmta.foo.bar.com or
> @exmail1.foo.bar.com depending on transport.  Gah!!!

I'm going to step out on a limb here and guess it's not working
because you didn't set up the rewriting.

That's why you use different maps, attached to the specific
transport. Each map does the rewriting needed for that destination.

> Sorry if I'm being dense here, I know I'm trying to do something
> that's not quite the normal thing here.
> Would it be smarter for me to split up things into multiple relay
> servers instead?  Dunno...

That would work too, but you would have the same problem if you
didn't rewrite.

  -- Noel Jones

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