Ok, this looks close.

So the reject at the end is the only way to replicate the "if not in the "allow 
list", you are not authorized to "relay"?

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org [mailto:owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org] 
On Behalf Of Wietse Venema
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 1:51 PM
To: Postfix users <postfix-users@postfix.org>
Subject: Re: postfix ignoring access file?

Gomes, Rich:
> Ok, my apologies. It seems some of the answers focused on "it doesn't 
> work like that"
> What I need is to have any IPs listed in the /etc/postfix/access file 
> with a directive of "OK" be allowed to send mail Any IPs attempting to 
> send mail to this particular mail server that are not listed in that 
> file are denied access.
> Please let me know if you need more clarification

You would not use this:

    mynetworks = hash:/etc/postfix/access

Instead, you could use this:

    smtpd_client_restrictions =
        check_client_access cidr:/etc/postfix/client_access.cidr

    # Order of rules is important.      OK          OK
    # These wildcard patterns must be last.           reject
    ::/0                reject

See also; "man cidr_table".


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