On July 24, 2016 1:19:28 PM EDT, Michael Fox <n...@mefox.org> wrote:
>> > Ubuntu Postfix package sets myorigin to /etc/mailname, which seems
>> The documented behavior is supported, as in, bugs fixed and backwards
>> compatibility provided as Postfix evolves. Undocumented behavior is
>> unsupported.
>> This is a debian modification, it is not supported by Postfix.
>Wow.  OK.  So, I guess I should remove the /etc/mailname setting. 
>It's been that way since at least Ubuntu 12.04 LTS., perhaps earlier.
It's been that way in Debian (and later Ubuntu) since at least 1999.

Not supported by Postfix upstream doesn't translate to remove it if you're 
using distro packages.  It means consult distro specific support resources if 
you are having problems with it.

Scott K

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