Luc Pardon:
> On 26-07-18 17:19, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> > Anyway, whole point of this discussion that working around problems by
> > violating RFC and re-sending hardly (5xx) refused mail through an ISP is
> > not
> > way to go.
> No, the "whole point" of the discussion is *not* that I want to work
> around just any 5xx problem.
> The only "problem" that I am trying to solve is how to detect that the
> other side is telling me to re-send through my ISP, so that I can oblige.
> With other types of 5xx, I would of course let the mail bounce as usual.

Conceivably, you could use the smtp_delivery_status_filter feature
to selectively replace 5xx responses with 4xx if the receiver does
not say things that look like 'user unknown'.

    # Example for single-line server responses.
    # If you add support for multiline replies, remember that the
    # Postfix SMTP client uses the SMTP status from the last line.
    if !/user unknown|unknown user|[^0-9]5\.1\.1[^0-9]/
    /^5(.+)$/ 4$1

Combined with smtp_fallback_relay=[], this would punt
potentially resendable mail to the ISP.


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