On 14 Sep 2018, at 16:00, Eric Smith wrote:

Hi List,

It happened just one time too many today, in a rushed moment
sending the wrong email to the wrong person.

Is it possible to exclusively delay sending mail to specific
recipients that appear on in a list?

That is logically a feature that belongs in a mail client, not a mail server. Postfix offers no direct way to do anything like it.

An indirect way to implement something like that would be to add a check_recipient_access restriction with a list of addresses mapped to HOLD. You could then either manually or in an automated way run "postsuper -H ALL" to release the held mail or write something more complicated to selectively un-hold messages based on age.

This way I suspected such an error of an email to one the special
recipients, then I could still delete the email from the queue.

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