Viktor Dukhovni:
> > On Sep 14, 2018, at 5:41 PM, Viktor Dukhovni <> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Postfix 2.3-20051202 introduced conditionally compiled code for a "DELAY"
> > access(5) action, but this never became a default-enabled feature.  You'd
> > need to compile Postfix with "-DDELAY_ACTION" to get it, and I don't know
> > how recently this was last tested.  It may no longer work, and perhaps was
> > never ready for prime-time (otherwise might have made it as a standard
> > feature into some release).
> The pertinent comment in the code is:
> +    /*
> +     * The DELAY feature is disabled because it has too many problems. 1) It
> +     * does not work on some remote file systems; 2) mail will be delivered
> +     * anyway with "sendmail -q" etc.; 3) while the mail is queued it bogs
> +     * down the deferred queue scan with huge amounts of useless disk I/O
> +     * operations.
> +     */
> These concerns are not insurmountable if the file-system is not uncooperative,
> and the volume of delayed mail is small, but they do stand in the way of this
> being a mainstream Postfix feature as-is.

Would it be a problem to execute a 'HOLD' action, and this avoid
the queue pollution problem?


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