On 18 Oct 2018, at 23:39, Stefan Bauer wrote:

Dear Users,

I'm building a simple pair of front MX-servers to get rid of our cisco
ironports. For spam and virus-scanning i'd like to have spamassassin and
clamav doing pre-filtering during smtp-dialog rejecting bad mails and
forwarding good mails to internal mail-farm.

Is it best practice to use amavis in between postfix and clamd/spamasassin?

It is common and useful.

An alternative to Amavis is MIMEDefang, a milter that supports a variety of AV tools, SpamAssassin, robust MIME-aware message modification, and doing anything with or to mail that you can write the Perl for.

It is noteworthy that 2 such robust message filtering tools that act as hubs for integrating other tools exist. The architectural model is useful because it helps keep the Postfix config simpler and adds functionality such as the ability to define an order in which filters operate without resorting to layered smtpd's or after-queue filtering.

i would like to keep the setup as simple as possible and not having another component in place (amavis) when this can be avoided. I see the internet is full of setups with amavis but i dont see the reason for having another
software running.

What is your opinion?

I use MIMEDefang, not because Amavis is bad (it's not) but because I prefer to have *all* of my message filtering & manipulation handled in one place and I've been using MD longer than Postfix. Postfix is NOT a robust message manipulation tool, it is a robust mail routing & transport tool. Having all work with message content isolated outside of Postfix proper makes the whole system more comprehensible & maintainable.

Bill Cole

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