On 21 November 2019 07:11:43 CET, Viktor Dukhovni <postfix-us...@dukhovni.org> 
>Blocking mail by language risks false-positives and should be generally 
>avoided, but it is not evil.

Blocking based on geolocation / domain endings is something I seriously despise.
Email is decentralized for a reason, blocking huge portions of it due to 
spammers abusing a few *is* evil in my opinion.

I'm fed up with all those threads with people who want to block the most amount 
of people possible just because they personally happen to be lucky enough to 
live in a different country than the usual botnets come from or could still buy 
a .com or similar domain prior to the namespaces getting exhausted.

The point I wanted to make is that we should not let the history repeat itself 
(yet again...) especially in the political climate we happen to be in.
My intention wasn't to slur anyone, don't get me wrong there.

I apologise if that was the case.

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