On 22.11.19 07:24, Richard Damon wrote:
Base SPF works through a traditional forwarder, because the base rules
for SPF allow the message to pass based on the domain of the Sender:
header, not just the From:. A proper forwarder will add a Sender: header
for itself, to indicate that while it was not the originator of the
message, it was the last one to send it. DMARC changes the rules for
SPF, and says that the message must align with the From: header, based
on the idea that most mail readers don't show you that sender does not
equal from.

SPF is designed to work with envelope addresses, not headers.  Any forwarder
that keeps envelope address (which is common for .forward files or MTA-level
mail aliases) thus breaks spf unless measures are made.

And this it the main problem with SPF enforcement.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges.

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