On 14/01/2020 19:39, Wietse Venema wrote:
>>>                                        unsigned long *pf3)
>>> {
>>>     if (set_macro_list) {
>>>         if (verbose)
>>>             printf("set symbol list %s to \"%s\"\n",
>>>                    macro_states[set_macro_state], set_macro_list);
>>>         smfi_setsymlist(ctx, set_macro_state, set_macro_list);
>>>     ...
>>> }
>> the call to smfi_setsymlist is guarded by the flag set_macro_list. This
>> flag is enabled with the -M command-line option. However, that option is
>> never used, as far as I can see. Therefore, the code path is not taken.
> To 'use' the -M command-line option:
>       $ make test-milter
>       $ ./test-milter -m state -M macros ...
> Where state is one of connect, helo, mail. etc.
> Where macros is a list of macros. Example: "{rcpt_mailer} {rcpt_host}".

Thank you, Wietse.

test-milter confirms that smfi_setsymlist does not work:

    $ test-milter -v -p inet:3000@localhost -m connect -M '{client_connections}'
    set symbol list connect to "{client_connections}"
    negotiate f0=1ff *pf0 = 1ff f1=1fffff *pf1=400 nosend=0 noreply=0 misc=0
    test_connect localhost AF_INET (
    macro: j="mail.my.org"
    macro: v="Postfix 3.3.0"
    macro: {daemon_addr}=""
    macro: {daemon_name}="mail.my.org"
    test_reply 0

The {client_connections} macro is not available in connect, even though
it was requested.

It is a great pity if we cannot use smfi_setsymlist with Postfix, it is
such a useful (and obviously underappreciated) little API.

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