On 06 Jun 2020, at 14:04, Antonio Leding <t...@leding.net> wrote:
> I respectfully submit that context matters far far more and ignoring that in 
> a quest to find a solution to a widespread social ill and\or soothe a shared 
> trauma is a very treacherous path. Even the most serious and extreme social 
> ills do not demand nor justify any and all measures and my hope is that any 
> deliberative and collective body consider only those measures which have a 
> bonafide goal of resolving whatever issue is at play.

Yes. This. Though I do think that having a casual and constant reinforcement 
that black == bad helps people justify their racist beliefs. Not cause them, 
but certainly justify them. During the Obama Presidency I heard a LOT of 
racists talking about how the home of the President was called the WHITE House, 
not the BLACK House, as an example.

And changing blacklist to blocklist (or blackhole to sinkhole) isn't causing 
any problems or adding confusion or requiring major alterations to the code 
"just beach". In fact, in this case changing blacklist to blacklist is actually 
an improvement in meaning and makes the purpose of the list more obvious. 
Blackhole, however, isn't going to go away anytime soon as a black hole is an 
actual thing that is unlikely to be renamed since its name is descriptive of 
what it is.

I would support changing the name of greylist (out of the realm of this list) 
to "waitlist" or something as well for the sake of clarity.

"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I think so, Brainius. But what if a sudden wind were to blow up my

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