Hello all,

I try to understand Postfix's relaying behaviour but I'm struggling with the last guy in the chain called smtp. It simply ignores the decision of his very smart precursor, named trivial-rewrite.

Inspecting the log, trivial-rewrite uses transport_maps and sender_dependent_relayhost_maps to correctly identify as next hop. But then, managed by qmgr, smtp takes over and chooses either (relayhost in main.cf) or resolves the next hop via DNS (if no relayhost in main.cf):

Jul  8 10:29:19 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: maps_find: address_verify_transport_maps: hash:/etc/postfix/transport_to_exo_domains(0,lock|no_regsub|fold_fix|utf8_request): * = relay:[] Jul  8 10:29:19 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: wildcard_{chan:hop}={relay:[]}

Jul  8 10:29:19 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: maps_find: transport_maps: hash:/etc/postfix/transport_to_exo_domains(0,lock|no_regsub|fold_fix|utf8_request): mydomain.com = relay:[] Jul  8 10:29:19 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: mail_addr_find: te...@mydomain.com -> relay:[] Jul  8 10:29:19 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: `' -> `te...@mydomain.com' -> (`relay' `[]' `te...@mydomain.com' `4096')

Jul  8 10:29:19 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: send attr transport = relay Jul  8 10:29:19 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: send attr nexthop = []

Jul  8 10:29:20 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: maps_find: sender_dependent_relayhost_maps: hash:/etc/postfix/transport_to_senders_relay(0,lock|no_regsub|fold_fix|utf8_request): @mydomain.com = relay:[] Jul  8 10:29:20 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: mail_addr_find: te...@mydomain.com -> relay:[]

Jul  8 10:29:20 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: maps_find: transport_maps: hash:/etc/postfix/transport_to_exo_domains(0,lock|no_regsub|fold_fix|utf8_request): mydomain.com = relay:[] Jul  8 10:29:20 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: mail_addr_find: te...@mydomain.com -> relay:[] Jul  8 10:29:20 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: `te...@mydomain.com' -> `te...@mydomain.com' -> (`relay' `[]' `te...@mydomain.com' `4096')

Jul  8 10:29:20 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: send attr nexthop = []

# -----------------------------------> So far, so perfect, but then smtp goes wrong!

# If relayhost=[] in main.cf

Jul  8 10:29:20 localhost postfix/smtp[103629]: smtp socket: wanted attribute: nexthop Jul  8 10:29:20 localhost postfix/smtp[103629]: input attribute name: nexthop Jul  8 10:29:20 localhost postfix/smtp[103629]: input attribute value: []

Jul  8 10:29:20 localhost postfix/smtp[103629]: smtp_parse_destination: [] smtp

# Or without relayhost in main.cf, DNS resolution is used

Jul  8 10:26:07 localhost postfix/smtp[103317]: smtp socket: wanted attribute: nexthop Jul  8 10:26:07 localhost postfix/smtp[103317]: input attribute name: nexthop Jul  8 10:26:07 localhost postfix/smtp[103317]: input attribute value: mydomain.com

Jul  8 10:26:07 localhost postfix/smtp[103317]: dns_query: mydomain.com (MX): OK Jul  8 10:26:07 localhost postfix/smtp[103317]: dns_get_answer: type MX for mydomain.com

Jul  8 10:26:07 localhost postfix/smtp[103317]: smtp_addr_one: host mydomain-com03c.mail.protection.outlook.com

As I read smtp.8.html and qmgr.8.html, I cannot overwrite smtp's nexthop decision. If nexthop is set correctly by trivial-rewrite, what goes wrong with smtp (or maybe qmgr)?

Thank you very much for your help.


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