On Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 09:08:28PM +0200, Postfix-jtroendle wrote:

> submission/inet/rewrite_service_name = submission-rewrite

Your mistake is believing that the trivial rewrite service setting in
smtpd(8) can determine message routing.  This is not the case.  This
only determines the address class for access control.

Actual routing decisions are made by qmgr(8) when it contacts the
default rewrite service.  Whatever you're trying to do with
"rewrite_service_name" is too clever, and either can be done more
simply within a single Postfix instance, or requires a separate
Postfix instance for submission, in which there's a dedicated
qmgr(8) that uses the custom transport table.

> JulĀ  8 19:02:04 localhost postfix/submission/smtpd[106104]: warning: 
> dict_nis_init: NIS domain name not set - NIS lookups disabled

You should change local_recipient_maps or whatever default setting
that is trying to do "nis".

On Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 04:26:04PM +0200, Postfix-jtroendle wrote:

> JulĀ  8 10:29:19 localhost postfix/submission-rewrite/trivial-rewrite[103626]: 
> maps_find: address_verify_transport_maps: 
> hash:/etc/postfix/transport_to_exo_domains(0,lock|no_regsub|fold_fix|utf8_request):
>  * = relay:[]

This is not a routing decision, see above.  So it is not surprising
that it does not do what you thought it does.  Routing decisions
are made by the queue manager each time a message enters the active
queue, and not preselected at message ingestion.


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