Wietse Venema:
> Spam Petya:
> > Hi!
> >
> > I am still getting NDR-s. I uploaded come ndr header to a txt file to test
> > with postmap, and I am seeing the REJECT, so the header_check is working if
> > I understand right.
> > I used this command to test: postmap -vq -
> > regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks < uploaded_text.txt
> > Output:
> > (...)
> > postmap: dict_regexp_lookup: /etc/postfix/header_checks:
> >  =?us-ascii?Q?7E0z14P8WDtXEwmu8gftuT9PHKgHFzkME8KD0jE=3D?=
> > Received: from fmfwd00.freemail.hu ( by  REJECT
> > Received: by fmfwd00.freemail.hu (Postfix)      REJECT
> >
> > postconf -n | egrep 'header_checks|receive_override_options' Output is:
> > header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks
> > but postconf -M | egrep 'header_checks|receive_override_options' gives
> > nothing.
> >
> > Any more ideas what should I check?
> Can you demonstarte that POSTFIX actually uses these rules?

This may also be of interest, depending on how Postfix
receives a bounce message:


internal_mail_filter_classes (default: empty)

    What categories of Postfix-generated mail are subject to before-queue
    content inspection by non_smtpd_milters, header_checks and body_checks.
    Specify zero or more of the following, separated by whitespace or

        Inspect the content of delivery status notifications.

        Inspect the content of postmaster notifications by the
        smtp(8) and smtpd(8) processes.

    NOTE: It's generally not safe to enable content inspection of
    Postfix-generated email messages. The user is warned.

The default setting is safe (don't inspect bounces) because
inspecting them could result in an infinite loop when you have
header/body_checks actions such as "FILTER".


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