------------ At 00.25 06-01-27 Mikael Byström wrote: ------------

>Per Åström said:
>>when I switch to powermail from another application (with liteswitch or
>>applicationswitcher) all scrollbars are faded or nonactive. By clicking
>>on them or on the topborder they turn into their active state. It
>>happens in all windows (mail, recent mail, browser).
>>Is my description good enough? I havent seen this behaviour previously.
>Do you also use SpamSieve? Do you have PM fetch messages quite often? I
>have reported a bug where windows are made inactive when fetching
>messages and seemingly also when SpamSieve is treating the same messages,
>which is often. Perhaps this also happens when PM is in the background.
>When in the foreground and you are writing a message, one symptom would
>be that your current outgoing message window that you write in go
>inactive, causing the last written characters to not appear and writing
>has to stop until a click makes it active again.

Yes, I use Spamsieve. I didnt notice the behaviour before 5.2.

/per å

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