>Zach Selland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ok, here is something that I'm not getting in the whole "email
>> composition" argument. And I'm not meaning to criticize anything, I'm
>> just seeking clarification. Are you manually entering line-feeds in your
>> paragraphs? For me, when I'm composing an email, PM simply breaks the
>> lines according the current window width. The only time that I enter
>> line-feeds (or carriage returns, or just plain returns, whatever you want
>> to call them) is when I want to actually separate paragraphs visually. As
>> far as I can tell, the program doesn't insert any hard wraps until the
>> message is actually sent out.

Kjell caused electrons to hula in cyberspace with:

>Yes, that's the correct way of composing a mail or any other text on a

And this standard goes way back. Even in those very old days when you
used the electric typewriters and set the margins, you only entered
returns where you ended paragraphs. And in the early "text editing"
programs like Wylbur where you saw line numbers at the right, the only
times you entered a carriage return where at the end of paragraphs. 


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