After trying almost a dozen different email clients to help finalize my
move from 
Windows to Mac and Linux platforms, PowerMail looks like the most promising 
of the bunch.  
This has been a LOT tougher than it may sound since, while on Windows, I was 
pleased to use the best email client I've yet seen; Courier (formerly

So far, PowerMail is proving to be well on the way towards being equal to
on the Mac platform.  I've only been using it for a few of days.  But it hit 
me right off as being versatile, potent and intuitive.  
There are a few things that I haven't figured out yet, and can't find any 
documentation for, so I'm checking here to see if anyone might be able to 
offer some guidance for these few items of confusion, or to offer them to CTM 
as a sort of "wish list" if these things are not currently included in
the product 

Such things as:

either specify, or turn off "Word Wrap" as default - for both incoming
AND outgoing mail.

different audio announcements for each account selectable, and a search
function in the 
audio settings so we can use other than the few sounds factory available.

"Signature" can insert either at the end of the entire message reply (as
current), or 
can be inserted at the end of the reply if the typed reply is inserted
ABOVE the 
quoted text.

Show number of (at least) NEW emails present in each folder, not just "bold" 
the folder with new mail in it.  

Ability to select a "Default" account as the primary when creating new
or at least have the app "asK" which account first.  

Ability to specify folders for accounts "IN" and "SENT" boxes as a basic
function of 
the account setting, instead of having to create a filter to do this.

Links in email are actually "click-able"  (currently, nothing happens
when cursor is 
placed over links, or when clicked - VERY not good).

Much greater flexibility of ALL parameters in filter controls and
settings including a 
more aggressive "Junk Mail" filter.

"End", "Home", "Page Up", "Page Down" keys need to actually do something 
(preferably what they were designed to do).

Ability to set Spellchecker to "catch" email before it leaves to correct
instead of (or in addition to) "Check as you type".  

"Scroll Wheel" on mouse does nothing when in HTML mode, whereas it works 
perfectly with all other apps and in most all else in PowerMail.  

User configurable toolbar - including the ability to have the button bar
dock within 
the window toolbar.

Button to toggle HTML/Plain Text views.

Button to toggle various "header" views.

Option to "Bounce" an email back to the original sender.


Please, anyone who can help me locate these settings, your help will be
Where certain of these features are not yet available, please add mine to
the list 
of people who would like these basic functions that are already long-standing 
components to many other email clients thus making PowerMail THE best of 
the bunch - on ANY platform.    
Many thanks,

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