Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the process of moving PowerMail to XCode and Intel, we discussed long
and hard the matter of maximum database size and have decided, for
technical and philosophical reasons, that the right thing to do was to
keep the 2GB limit.

First, a foreword: our strong feeling is that adding daily to an active
database larger than 1.9GB for the sole purpose of having everything
within the current database accessible "just in case" is like carrying
around one's entire savings in one's wallet, for the sake of being able
to buy anything you might run into (a house, boat or even a lake) "just
in case" you run into such an opportunity in the course of day. In both
cases, the risk of compromising what you're trying to protect greatly
outweighs the benefit, and most people would rather be on the safe side.

Furthermore, one of the features implemented long ago (in PowerMail 3)
is the ability to switch user environments either by the ad hoc menu
option in the File menu - which lets you open any number of offline or
otherwise inactive 1.9 GB databases and perform searches in them with
the built-in search facility. We even have a quick way of switching user
environments, which is to alias offline Message Databases and double-
click on them to go from one environment to another in a few seconds.

Finally, we addressed the simultaneous aspects (having the ability to
work on a large database, while being able simultaneously to search in
other large databases) when we wrote FoxTrot Personal Search, which
indexes *and previews message content of* any number of current and
offline PowerMail database contents. The big advantage of using FoxTrot
Personal Search for large archives over PowerMail is that you are
accessing your archives in a Read Only fashion, which means you never
run the risk of compromising a large amount of data, nor needing to
rebuild it or so.

So there you go. Yes, this is a political decision, as are many design
decisions since we've been writing software; we've really tried to take
a vast majority of usages into account before making it, and feel
comfortable that we've done what is good for our users.


jean michel/ctm qa

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