CTM info said:

>One good way to reconsolidate databases is to export each of them in
>PowerMail Exchange format (one single export for all folders) and then
>drag all the files from the finder to the folder list in the
>consolidating database.

Why isn't there a good way to synchronize 2 databases? Why isn't there a
built-in way to detect and remove duplicates? In the long run, simple
things like that just won't be tolerable. 

I have wasted weeks so far with only those two problems. Character
encoding not working right probably stands for months of problems, that
are not even gone. The 2GB limitation can be tolerated, though one may
lose a lot of time trying to cope with it.

Besides this, I'm happy with PowerMail.

PM 5.2.3 Swedish | OS X 10.4.5 | Powerbook G4/400Mhz | 1GB RAM | 30GB HD

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