Mikael Byström (1/11/06 23:01) said:

>The 2GB limitation can be tolerated, though one may lose a lot of time
>trying to cope with it.

I'm living with it for now, but I'll switch to a different client rather
than split my database into different environments. I tried doing this a
few years back, and it wasn't usable. What I need is a client which uses
a separate database for each mailbox/folder. (Don't most email clients
do this now?)

Something which is going to make the 2GB limit intolerable sooner rather
than later is the increasing use of HTML emails, which seem to be at
least five times larger than plain text emails. (Not helped by the fact
that Apple Mail sends HTML emails by default.)

>Besides this, I'm happy with PowerMail.

Ditto, except for the attachments bug and a few other niggles (e.g.
Redirect option).


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