My mail database is currently around the 1.3 - 1.4 gig point. I compress
it monthly (when I remember to and when I have time, as it takes a long
time), but it re-grows as databases often do.

I use PowerMail for business email, and I don't delete any of it. I keep
client and project notes, correspondence, etc. I keep several mail
lists' mail in PowerMail. And I keep family stuff there, too.

(BTW, for the archivists out there; I personally find it a very useful
resource to have all mail together and searchable, without having to say
"let's see... is the thing I'm looking for in my mail archive program,
or my mail program, or my active mail database, or my other mail
database, etc.)

From my reading of this list, there are a significant number of people
like me, some with even more mail than I have.

Anyway, HTH.


On 10/27/06 at 10:09 AM, Wayne Brissette ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:

>>On a related note, will the 2 gig limit be going away in a future
>>version? Alternately, will we be able to use several databases
>>simultaneously (i.e., let us split a 1.8 gig database into 3 or 4
>>smaller ones, but have them all open concurrently)?
>Can I ask a serious question? How often do people run into this 2 GB
>limit? I find myself every 6 months or so, going through and deleting
>hundreds of emails. I find that after 6 months I can usually get rid of
>30% of my email, 1 year later I can get rid of even more mail. Usually I
>find for myself, that it's laziness rather than really needing email as
>the main reason I end up keeping so much of the email I have (do I
>really need's daily specials 2 years later? --- don't laugh, I
>have found some on my computer).
>Anyhow, I just really wonder how many people really run into the 2 GB limit.

Steve Abrahamson
Ascending Technologies
FileMaker 7 Certified Developer

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