>   Re: 2GB limit issue in 5.5?

>I maintain a database that has never gone over 100 MB AFAIK, nor is it
>likely to in the future.  It averages 90-95 MB before compaction and 78-
>85 MB after compaction.  I still have over 10,000 messages in the database.

This is pretty much my situation. And I have mail going back to 1996.

Professionally, I manage global email for a company using Lotus Notes,
where a penurious 200Mb mail limit is enforced. IBM (Lotus) makes this
bearable by including configurable automatic archiving in the Notes
client. The archives are easily accessible (and visually distinguishable)
from the regular mail file. The main drawback is that searches can only be
performed on one database at a time.

I'm happy with the 2 GB limit, but for others, some similar archiving
solution combined with Foxtrot searching would probably be better.


- Chris

Christopher Plummer
ZebraTale, LLC
Macintosh & Lotus Domino Consulting

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