on Fri, Oct 27, 2006 "PowerMail Engineering" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> may
have said:

>>The issue is that I am getting the warning in powermail about it's 2GB
>>database size limit. However, the database it's warning me about is only
>How is your named your message database file? If the name is not
>"Message Database", PowerMail could be confused.

None of my message DB files are named "Message Database". Due to the 2GB
limit I have to keep a minimum of four active databases, two each for my
personal email and two each for my business email. Having each use the
filename "Message Database" caused problems in the past (confusion on
which file was used ... although I can't remember if it was PM or the
backup process), thus the unique names for each DB.

Per the DB size issue; at first I was pretty well entrenched on the >2GB
side of things, since having multiple databases is not handy. However, I
have since switched to thinking that <2GB is better ... as long as a few
caveats are met. The benefits as I see them:

1. Safety; the larger the DB the more email I can potentially loose.
2. Safety; large DB's are more susceptible to damage that is not
immediately obvious, leading to backups that are corrupt.
3. Safety; larger files are more prone to damage by system events (power
outage, corrupt directory, etc.)
4. Speed; more data takes more time to operate on; PM is fast but after
1GB I can tell a difference.
5. Mobility; I've found it's easier to make backups, transport my DB's,
etc. when they are <1GB

That said, there are some serious drawbacks;

a. Searching; the reason I keep so much email is because I am constantly
(really) searching for data. We have customers loose their registration
codes from three or more years ago and PM can find those lost codes in
my email DB in seconds...except that I have to switch databases which
could mean having to decide what to do with emails in progress, etc.

b. Splitting; there is no good way to split a database. Currently I have
to do this one folder at a time, and I have to somehow figure out where
to split, do a merge into the backup DB then merge the folders (because
they import to unique folders each time). And then there is the issue of
syncing; how to make sure I backup all messages yet don't duplicate any?

So I'd be fine with the 2GB limit if a. and b. could be addressed. In
the spirit of don't criticize without offering solutions:

a. PM already has FoxTrot in it; extend this so it can open multiple PM
DBs (and limit it to that so it doesn't compete w/FoxTrot sales). Then
add Cmd-Shift-F for "Find in multiple" or whatever which works just like
the normal find but on all DB's in the "multiple DB" config.

b. Make a way to automatically spit a PM DB into two based on date (and
other criteria if appropriate), then merge that split data into another
DB. It should be as easy as "Merge all emails after 10/26/06 into ..."
where ... is selected by the user.


PS: and please give me the option to disable double-clicking launching
URL's that causes me so many issues throughout the day. Thanks!

Lane Roathe
President          Ideas From the Deep        <http://www.ifd.com>
There are 10 types of people in this world, those who can read
binary and those who can't.

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