Am/On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:04:00 -0500 schrieb/wrote Mark Gerber:

>This isn't specific to PowerMail, but I'm hoping someone can point me in
>the right direction to solve this problem.

I think that's a misconfigured mailserver which is rejecting (infected
virus) mail instead of bouncing it.

>For the past several weeks I've been getting a lot of e-mail dumped into
>my Spam folder with the subject indicating "delivery failed." They are
>from addresses I don't know and are responding to an e-mail from my
>domain (using a random name, for instance: hpbxx @
>There is often an attachement named something like "Greeting Card.exe"
>As far as I've been able to find out I seem to have been infected with
>the "Happy New Year" worm, but I haven't found a solution for OS X. Does
>anyone know where I can get more information?

the worm affects only Windoze ....

But if you're afraid of viruses on the Mac, install ClamXav, works great.
Another nice thing is snort, the installation for OS X is called HenWen.

All the best


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