Thanks for all the responses. 

For the several weeks this has been happening I've been assuming this
worm was a Windows problem and that my address was being spoofed. But
then I came across a message that had been returned from a client's
domain. Granted this is a huge company with any number of people and
several websites--but I was alarmed at the coincidence (at least, I hope
it was a coincidence).
So I wondered if some malware out there had finally found it's way to OS
X in spite of no mention of both it and "Macintosh" on the security sites
I check when something like this comes up. I appreciate those familiar
with these problems answering so quickly.

It sounds like I have to endure these things until someone(s?), somewhere
takes care of it on their own computer(s) and there's nothing I can do
about it unless I want to track down the advertised ISPs and contact them
to put a stop to it. And there is no way I can determine who's computer
it was that snatched my domain for it's own use.

In the meantime, I'll check out ClamXav and HenWen to see what they offer
in terms of peace of mind.

Mark Gerber
GERBER STUDIO/Tradigital Illustration

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