Your email address has been "spoofed."  I have 2 domains that have NO
outgoing email server at all and I get returns all the time.  I just
ignore them.  There is absolutely nothing you can do about this.  Most
email servers can catch a fraudulent email address and bounce it.

> Am/On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 09:04:00 -0500 schrieb/wrote Mark Gerber:
>>This isn't specific to PowerMail, but I'm hoping someone can point me in
>>the right direction to solve this problem.
> I think that's a misconfigured mailserver which is rejecting (infected
> virus) mail instead of bouncing it.
>>For the past several weeks I've been getting a lot of e-mail dumped into
>>my Spam folder with the subject indicating "delivery failed." They are
>>from addresses I don't know and are responding to an e-mail from my
>>domain (using a random name, for instance: hpbxx @
>>There is often an attachement named something like "Greeting Card.exe"
>>As far as I've been able to find out I seem to have been infected with
>>the "Happy New Year" worm, but I haven't found a solution for OS X. Does
>>anyone know where I can get more information?
> the worm affects only Windoze ....
> But if you're afraid of viruses on the Mac, install ClamXav, works great.
> Another nice thing is snort, the installation for OS X is called HenWen.
> All the best
> Matthias
> -----------------------------------------------
> Admilon Consulting GmbH
> Tel. +81-736-56-3905
> -----------------------------------------------

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