I moved from OSX 10.3.9 G4/466 (upgraded to 1000mhz) to new 10.4.8 intel
iMac last month and did it via the migration assistant. It went really
great! I was really amazed! 

Tip: if you have multiple hard drives or volumes, only run the migration
assistant on your main (previous) boot volume. 

Tip #2: if migration speed is an issue; it's my personal finding that
putting your hard drive into an external firewire enclosure results in a
WAY faster copy operation (almost 2x) than direct from old Mac in Target
mode. For most people however, the time gained is offset by the time
spent pulling the hd. 

After I did the migration, I deleted (from the new iMac) some old apps &
data & no longer needed. But ALL my apps were ready to use right away,
saving me a few days of reinstalls. I only had to deal with some tweaky
System Prefs that I had added which were not compatible with the new Mac. 

Don't fear the Migration Assistant. It's pretty good if you let it do
it's thing without interference. 

 Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), cheshirekat's message of 6:40 PM, 3/14/07

>I'm getting a new Mac Pro. Apple shipped it today. Considering that I am
>using PowerMail 5.2.3, should I upgrade it to the current version on my
>PowerBook so my files are compatible with the Mac Pro? I haven't kept up
>with the upgrades because I didn't want anything to break before the new
>Mac arrives. I don't plan to use the Migration Assistant, so which files
>should I move to the new computer?

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