Hallo Hans,

You can NOT sort by threading, only by subject.

To sort by subject click on the top of the list view onto SUBJECT - if
you want to change ascending to descending, clicl onto the little
triangle at the top right of the window.

Let us know if that worked out for you.

If you have troubles understanding my English, let me know and I will re-
send this email in German.


------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------

>I'm new with powermail and now I'm looking for the features. Because I'm
>described to many mailing lists, I was looking for a feature that shows
>me the threads for example sorted by message ID or subject. That makes
>it more easy for me to read the threads.
>Can anyone tell me how to do it?
>Sorry for my maybe badly english. Hope someone can help me with that.
>Greetings out of Munich

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