On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 13:49:35 +0100, 
> Hans Glomme ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> - reciept- and reading confirmation
> There is no way to be sure someone has really read your mail unless
> they've said so, and anyway, a request for automatic confirmation can be
> construed as an intrusion on privacy. If PowerMail should support this
> feature in a future version, I would instantly turn it off. This kind of
> information is nobody's business unless I decide it is.

You are right ;) But my business partner normally confirm 
it that they read. 
But what you can do and what the most server understood is, 
that you can ask the server for a delivery confirmation.
Of course you never can be sure that the recipient has read 
your mail, understood it or put it unread in the trash.

>> - Threading
> I've never used a mail client that supported threading, so I don't know
> _what_ I miss -- but I cannot say that I miss it. All I hear is people
> complaining about threading not working reliably. For example, I have
> subscribed to several mailing lists in digest mode. When I am replying
> to a message within a digest, I am necessarily breaking the thread;
> there's nothing I can do about it. 

Well if you got 500 Mails each day from different lists and 
searching for a special theme or want follow a longer 
thread you will know what I mean ;)
Think it's very exhausting if you don't have such a feature.

>> - In some clients also the possibility to filter for mailing lists
> Maybe I don't understand what you are missing, but I have filters set up
> for all the mailing lists I have subscribed to. What is it that filters
> should do that they don't do already?

Ok show me the filter for "list-id" ;) Because the list-id 
is allways the same address. In some lists you have the 
list mail into cc in other ones from an also in reply to.

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