
Am/On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 03:27:45 +0100 schrieb/wrote Hans Glomme:

>well think maybe wrote it here. Maybe to show it what I mean here an example:
>Start Thread (1)
>    answer (1)
>        answer on the answer (1)
>Next Thread (2)
>    answer (2)
>        answer on the answer (2)
>Thats what I mean and also miss in PM. 
>Don't know if it will be possible and also don't know how to say it in
>English exactly.
>I don't want only sort by date or subject, what I mean is that I whant
>have a discussion on a mailing list together so that each discussion is
>together and not that you found the starting thread at the end and a
>answer onto the thread 50 mails later.

your question was understood.
Sorting by Thread is still a missing feature in PM.
We hope, that CTM will implement that in one of the next versions.
I'm also waiting to see that, meanwhile I use filters and folders for
sorting the mails of different lists.
Although other mailclients do have that feature, I still use PM, because
it's the most stable client on the Mac, especially, when you get a lot
of mails per day.

Thanks and all the best


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