Hi Barbara 
On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 07:40:59 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> We have discussed threading before and it seems that threading is
> difficult to implement in a mail application. At that time it was
> something that was NOT going to be included in Power Mail. I missed
> threading when I first came to Power Mail but now with the other
> advantages I keep Power Mail anyway.

Well think nothing seems easy if you try it :) Some things 
are difficult other ones not so :)
Well the point is not that is will be really difficult to 
sor a mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But think at that situation. You have a mailing list with 
100 e-mails and more each day.

Now at first you have a thread let's say A. Then you become 
answers on that. You will be very interested into that 
Thread. Then someone say "Hey I must look first something 
before I answer", during the time he think about comes 
another 500 Mails with other threads. Then you have the 
thread you ar interested at the bottom some answers maybe 
in the middle and other ones at the top. Think that's not 
really a good working. Or you see it not like me?
Ok now you can go and say for each thread I'm interested I 
make a subfolder and filter by topic but think that can't 
be really a solution?!  

I'm not sure but I think normal the MUA's I know do the 
threading by using the message ID. Normal every thread have 
a starting message id and if you look for example the 
message ID here (Message-Id: 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) will be during 
the thread allways the same (local part) only if a reply of 
a reply follows the host part change. 

But I'm not the real expert in this thing I only think to 
remember to read something bout the threading and how it 
normal works in MUA's.

> As for as sorting into folders by mailing list, that is easy to set up.
> Usually I use the Reply-To address when setting up the filter. Now, if
> you mean some sort WITHIN a mailing list folder, I don't do that. But I
> have a whole section of mailing lists divided by their names.
> I make a top folder that says "Mailing Lists." Nothing actually goes in
> to that folder. Then under that there are sub-folders with the name of
> each list I am on.

The List-id field was only a smal problem for me. And for 
me it's not so necessary like the possibility to sort by 

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