Am/On Mon, 7 Jul 2008 13:58:57 +0200 schrieb/wrote MB:

>>that you can't reproduce the bug, doesn't mean that the bug doesn't exists.
>Mattias, I have not said it doesn't exist. That's NOT my style of
>responding. OK?
>But if I can't reproduce it means it's not a bug that exist in every
>installation of PowerMail, right?

the problem with this bug is anyway, that it doesn't occur always.
And I'm not sure, if Chris' "workaround" with opening a blanc window
really works.
It never came to my mind that the problem might be related to open a window.

>>As others wrote, this is obviously a bug, so you be happy, that you
>>don't have this problem.
>It is a bug, yes, but in order for us to have any hope to have this bug
>fixed, it would be advised that someone finds out whether this bug due
>because of some fallacy of PowerMail or if its an OS-caused bug. I'm not
>sure how CTM looks at it, but as PowerMail is NOT the only application

this is my problem right now.
For me PM is in the moment the only app with that problem.
I had before problems with some apps from Adobe, but it seams they don't
have it anymore.
So too me it looks like that PM is the only app left with this problem.

>in known history to have this problem, it's probably safe to assume that

assumptions are evil ....
(that saying isn't from me)

>we can not be satisfied crying wolf to CTM will solve things.
>At a minimum, CTM would need to able to reproduce the bug. It seems to
>me, with earlier responses at hand, that there seem to not be one clear
>cause behind different peoples hiding problems with PowerMail.

I don't know what really is the source of the problem, the Carbon API
used by CTM, the implementation or something else.

>>and btw you OS is far out dated.
>That's really 100% beside the point. Didn't this bug exist with 10.4.8?

actually I don't remember when this issue was introduced.
I just avoid hiding PM since some time now, because force quit quite
often requires an index rebuild and that takes time....

Anyway, I'd update to 10.4.11, else you miss all the security updates
and that is a security issue.

Thanks and all the best


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