Winston Weinmann ( wrote:

> 3. Dragging a message from the In Tray to a folder doesn't show the
> message dragging.

It does on my Macs (iMac and MacBook Pro) so that's quite odd; PM displays a 
semi-transparent letter icon and subject text when dragging a message. (I'm 
using PM 6.1 under Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7.)

> 4. The highlight on a message being read in the In Tray is too bright.
> It's also almost impossible to read a message name that has been
> labeled, as these go dark against the blue highlight. Nor can you see
> how it's labeled. Definitely a step backward.

The highlight color is the highlight color selected in the system-wide 
preferences, i.e. the same color used by the Finder etc.. Do you see a 
different color?

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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