Here is another lecture on the meaning of Thessalonians 4:13-18, but this appears to be a difficult text to reconcile with other passages in the Bible, which has lead to many different interpretation of these passages between the various branches of Christianity.



Kristyne McDaniel wrote:


Yep, and it's interesting that the ones with a
"Armageddon now - nuke up all" attitude are
labeling the peacemakers who want a stop to the pointless ME war as left wing extremist.
Talking about upside down LOL

They annoy me too. I've been quieter than I should have been and I am not
going to be intimidated by the loudmouth extremists any more.

This is not Armageddon. Not even close. Anyone that's looked at history and
seen what happened with the Black Death or the Crusades or various other
things in history knows the ME stuff going on today is not the end of days.

They're just lining up to try to be the first one to 'call' it just in case
it happens now. It is all about posturing. When they're not raptured,
they'll conveniently forget they were wrong and move on to the next

BTW, I also do not believe in the popular POV that has everyone of faith
getting raptured out of the way just before all the bad stuff happens. That
is just too convenient to be true. God has never been reticent about
allowing people to endure hardship when the situation required it. Jesus
himself was crucified. That should be a clue about whether a rapture is the
kind of thing God would be likely to plot for all of us at the end of days.
God takes us THROUGH things, but does not usually remove us from them.

- Kris,

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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