On Thursday, January 25, 2007 4:33 PM Charlie Coleman wrote:
>In a general sense, a lot of religions describe similar 'good deeds'
that should be done by the >believers. That's about it where the
similarity ends. 
>Some of them call for forced conversion of non-believers, others say
simply to speak the message >and let things end up where they may. Some
specifically target other religions as the 'enemy', 
>etc. A while back, my Sunday School class studied different religions
for several months. We 
>even went and talked with people of other religions to make sure our
understanding of their
> beliefs was correct.

I disagree, and still maintain that there are more similarities.

>One thing we found that sets Christianity apart is that it teaches the
"good deeds" or doing the >"right deeds" are not what will save you.

I never thought I needed to be saved.  I prefer to be more of spiritual
person and not follow any religion dogma.  Of course, my karma ran over
your dogma. :-)

>I'd like to discuss your last sentence. You think it's "screwed up" to
have a belief system that >where some believe they're right and others
are wrong. 
>I'll say it MUST be that way if you accept there is an ultimate TRUTH.
Here is a rough 
>comparison: back in the day of Columbus, some thought the Earth was
flat, but others thought it >was a round. Both thought the others were
wrong. Eventually one of them turned out to be wrong 
>because there was an ultimate Truth to the matter. The problem at this
point is religion is in a >realm other than the physical. We don't KNOW
what's really there. Just like in Columbus's day, 
>until someone was able to find a way to prove it, they didn't know for
sure. So, assuming there >is an ultimate spiritual Truth, things will
end up that one (and maybe more) religions were >"right" and other
religions were "wrong".

You can have your truth and I will have mine.  I believe that if Jesus
was alive today he would not belong to any religion.  People join
religions for many reasons and I know if they were not aligned to the
teachings then they would not be in that religion.  Many people go to
the same church their parents go to and others (the rebels) jump the
other direction to other religions or none at all. As you said earlier,
God gave us freewill.

David L. Crooks

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