Jesus is a prophet in Islam.
Jesus is the Messiah in Christianity

To say that Jesus never existed is silly.

--- Charlie Coleman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 03:13 AM 1/26/2007 -0200, Helio W. wrote:
> >Charlie,
> >
> >Watch:
> >
> >Then think.
> I viewed the trailer. It appears it's a movie that
> claims Jesus never existed.
> This attack on Christianity is not new. It has been
> introduced, debunked, 
> re-introduced, re-debunked many times in the past
> 200 or so years (starting 
> in the late 1700's).
> You may find it interesting to note that the premise
> that Jesus never 
> existed is not introduced by historical scholars.
> Usually philosopher's, 
> atheists, anti-Christian groups, etc, are the ones
> that like to broach this 
> topic. I think the reason this is the case is that
> there is just way too 
> much historical evidence that supports Jesus
> Christ's life on Earth. As far 
> as I know, there are no accepted scholarly claims
> that Jesus did not exist.
> Of course, beyond his existence, the arguments
> immediately start in about 
> whether or not he actually did miraculous things,
> what he actually said, 
> etc. That's where scholars will start to disagree;
> but they disagree 
> primarily because they can't agree on initial
> premises. E.g. some scholars 
> flat out refuse to believe any type of 'miracle' can
> ever occur. So, solely 
> because of that supposition, they refuse to believe
> most of the recorded 
> events in Christ's life. To me that sounds pretty
> silly and intellectually 
> dishonest. It would seem better to just evaluate
> things based on what was 
> written and the context it was written within.
> Anyway... I'm digressing....
> I've been through many studies of Biblical, and
> Christian, criticism; the 
> comparisons of Christian teachings to
> Greek/Babalonian/Sumerian mythology; 
> the comparisons of religions; historical research
> and Biblical 
> authenticity; and so on. So when movies like the
> above come out, I don't 
> find them very interesting (unless they purport to
> have discovered 
> something 'new' - which this one does not as far as
> I can tell). And so I 
> just file them under the "Da Vinci Code" category of
> fiction or "Christian 
> attack" pieces.
> Hmmm.... That sounded pretty arrogant. I was going
> to go back and delete 
> part of that last paragraph, but I decided to leave
> it. I don't mean to 
> sound arrogant, but I don't want to give the
> impression that I'm discarding 
> opposing views flippantly.
> -Charlie
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