The American city that has taken the most consistant
temperature readings over the last 200 years is Albany
NY.  The average temperature for Albany is exactly the
same as it was 200 years ago.

Some global warming.

--- Robert Calco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> - - -
> It's nearly impossible to have a rational debate
> with anybody about  
> this anymore.  Personally I don't see any point (and
> never did see  
> any point) in denying a warming trend lately; but to
> jump from that  
> point of common ground to Ceterum Censeo about its
> cause and needed  
> measures to "reverse" it (assuming such a thing is
> even in our power  
> short of inducing nuclear winter, let alone
> necessary) is to make a  
> big, huge, monster leap of faith (actually, of two
> orders of  
> magnitude) based on propositions that are hardly
> proven and facts  
> that are statistically insufficient to prove them.
> As with the middle east conflict, all sense of
> proportion and  
> historical perspective is lost. And so it goes. It
> is politically  
> expedient to embrace the farce. I'm becoming
> increasingly anti- 
> political, not just apolitical, as I grow older, and
> (hopefully)  
> wiser. I don't want to slip into nihilism, but it's
> hard to take  
> anybody seriously anymore.
> It's hard to avoid the sense that 'global warming'
> is just a scare  
> tactic for the old left to regain its political
> footing and put our  
> wallets on the table for demagogues to snatch.
> Meanwhile the real  
> menace, radical Islam, gets a morale booster
> courtesy of our  
> Congress, rushing into the military equivalent of
> Kyoto with their  
> insane seppuku posturing on Iraq.
> Oh well. As with every disaster, natural or
> man-made: "And this too  
> shall pass."
> - Bob
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Saddam - Hung for the Holidays

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