Stephen Russell wrote:
> Why wait till they do something?  Why not get the software and take
> the 90 day trial?  The videos list I presented will be easy to jump
> on.  You could focus on doing the same thing your doing in winforms
> with fox as a compare which will just give you a headache.  Been there
> and done that!  You could get into doing simple little web apps that
> just deliver some data.
> Remember in a learning cycle so you don't take on more then you can
> process, otherwise it will fail and you at best wasted your time.

I was going to answer, but you answered it for me.  Sylvan in the 
daytime, MBSS in the evenings....I've got my hands very full.  I can 
just fit in the hockey team, pool team, and girlfriend and then the time 
is all used up.  And don't think I can't live without 2 of those last 
3...if I had to give up 2 of those, I'd just as soon die!  They're the 
"fun" that keeps me sane!  ;-)

> ----------------------------------------
> Are those losers hiring managers, or are they the Technical directors
> for companies?

Either way, I couldn't care less about them.  I won't work for assholes 
anymore.  Been there, done that, learned the lessons.

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