Larry Miller wrote:
> Leland... did you unite under GWB?  As irrational as the hatred of W is, I 
> respect your right to it... but don't ever expect anyone who understands 
> freedom to roll over for BHO.  

The Bush Administration was the great divider and the great "Decider".  
It became the most divisive force in American since the great war 
between the north and the south, and I was critical of the divisive 
method used, which included packing the courts with Religious Righter 
ideologues, a justice department that employed conservative Republicans 
only and morphed into an arm of the executive branch, rather than being 
a department that administered impartial justice to all Americans, a 
patriot act that trumped our constitutional freedom with pitted 
government against the people, arm twisted communication companies into 
spying on their customers as well as all other manner of government  
intrusion in the private lives of citizen, a policy that pitted 
supporters of the war against opponents of the war by labeling anyone 
that did not go along with war as traitors, etc, etc.

> It seems the D idea of bi-partisanship consists of others doing things their 
> way.  Those of you swooning over the obamessiah need to understand the 
> negative impact a presidency such as his would have on the country and it 
> would need to be resisted in a manner the German people failed to do in the 
> late thirties.

Why do you think Senator Obama is out to get you or anyone else, and 
what exactly is this "negative impact a presidency such as his would 
have on the country" all about?

> He only unites those that want to take something from others so they don't 
> have to work themselves... or those with white guilt that know they don't 
> deserve what they have.

Obama favors taxation that is fair.

Right now the working class doesn't earn enough income to consume, (eg 
buy), the products they labor so hard to produce; because, the wealthy 
have become so selfish and greedy they are hording the wealth of the 
nation.  This imbalance is killing the USA economy to the point that 
government is giving away billions of dollars in deficit spending to 
stimulate the economy.

The income levels between the rich and everybody else is way out of 
balance and not economically viable.  We need a tax system that is 
fair.  Giving tax breaks to the riches of the rich doesn't have the 
trickle down effect claimed by Republicans, so something must be done to 
bring the reward system back into balance, and a progressive tax system 
is one way to help.  Another way to bring the reward system back into 
balance would be to assign income caps on owners and managers while 
increasing the pay to workers across the board, or to create a national 
labor union of all workers to provide labor with the leverage and 
bargaining power needed to ensure a living wage that will sustain our 



> Larry Miller
>>> Obama is a uniter, not a divider.  He wants to bring the country together 
>>> to heal the wounds of >the past eight years of lies, government by fear, 
>>> and divisive polities. 
>> How can you say this?  Many of us refuse to be united under socialistic 
>> values.  Has he ever cooperated with anyone but his leftist buddies?  Being 
>> united under obamunism means totally yielding to them... which is something 
>> many of us who believe in freedom will never do.  If you think that is 
>> unreasonable, consider the irrational hatred many have for George Bush.
> You frown on a united America.  How Anti-American of you.  What do you 
> think the term "United States" implies?  LOL
> Regards,
> LelandJ
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