On 11/4/08, geoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> in a business model deploying a well written database app isnt hard.
> in fact if well done it should be pretty easy.

Geoff: What do you mean by "in a business model?"

I had a client with 28,000 desktops. Deploying (through large-scale,
scripted, well-tested mechanisms) is a big deal.

> Not as easy as a
> browser granted but its hardly a compelling advantage.

>> > As a database
>> > developer where forms are pre-designed and we know what to expect in
>> > advance I see a webapp as utterly pointless.

Don't your apps change? Need a new field? Get a new translation? Most
of the clients I work with have ongoing, evolving business needs.

>>In a lot of cases I'd agree - there's far too much 'hey let's make
>>everything run in the browser!'.
>> > Databases are
>> > definately NOT flexible apps so don t use them in browsers.

If databases are not flexible enough to run website, what do you
expect them to use? Take, for example, the CNN web site. Or Slashdot.
Or Amazon. Should they not be using a database?

> I kinda meant REAL databases not a dinky mysql setup with a handle of
> userid/password tables or a blog

My WordPress install uses 12 tables with PKs and FKs. Is that Real?
One of the photo-gallery apps uses 53. One of my world-class web apps
uses on 27 tables, although some of the tables have millions of rows?
What qualifies as "REAL?"

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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