Pendeta mengedit Alkitab(1)

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Artikel ini akan membuktikan bahwa Firman Allah dalam AQ itu adalah benar :
Apakah kamu masih mengharapkan mereka (Bani Israel) akan percaya kepadamu,
padahal segolongan dari mereka mendengar Firman Allah, lalu mereka mengubahnya
setelah mereka memahaminya, sedang mereka mengetahui?" (QS. 2:75) Sumber
Alkitab Yang akan Kita Gunakan adalah : E-Sword KJV= King James Version Bishops = Bishop
Bible 1568 CEV = Contemporary English Version DRB = Douay-Rheims Bible ESV =
English Standard Version BIS = Bahasa Indonesia Sehari-hari 1985 MKJV= Modern
King James Version Sabda TB = Terjemahan Baru 1974
Silahkan Chek Ayat2x dibawah ini dengan software E-Sword dan Sabda yang telah
anda download. Pendeta Kristen Ngedit Roma 3:7 "aku" diedit menjadi "kamu"
(KJV) For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory;
why yet am I also judged as a sinner? Bandingkan Dengan (CEV) Since your lies
bring great honor to God by showing how truthful he is, you may ask why God
still says you are a sinner. Pendeta Kristen Ngedit Epistle Roma 3:8 "Paulus
yang mengatakan" diedit menjadi "kamu yang mengatakan" (KJV) And not rather,
(as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do
evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just. Bandingkan Dengan (CEV) You
might as well say, "Let's do something evil, so that something good will come of
it!" Some people even claim that we are saying this. But God is fair and will
judge them as well. Pendeta Kristen Ngedit 2 Samuel 17:25 "Israel" diedit
menjadi "Ismael" (KJV) And Absalom made Amasa captain of the host instead of
Joab: which Amasa was a man's son, whose name was Ithra an Israelite, that went
in to Abigail the daughter of Nahash, sister to Zeruiah Joab's mother.
Bandingkan Dengan (CEV) Absalom put Amasa in Joab's place as commander of the
army. Amasa's father was Ithra from the family of Ishmael, and his mother was
Abigal, the daughter of Nahash and the sister of Joab's mother Zeruiah. (ESV)
Now Absalom had set Amasa over the army instead of Joab. Amasa was the son of a
man named Ithra the Ishmaelite, who had married Abigal the daughter of Nahash,
sister of Zeruiah, Joab's mother. (GNB) (Absalom had put Amasa in command of
the army in the place of Joab. Amasa was the son of Jether the Ishmaelite; his
mother was Abigail, the daughter of Nahash and the sister of Joab's mother
Zeruiah.) (BIS) (Absalom telah mengangkat Amasa menjadi kepala pasukan
menggantikan Yoab. Amasa anak Yitra orang Ismael; ibunya bernama Abigail anak
Nahas, yakni saudara perempuan Zeruya ibu Yoab.) (TB) Absalom telah mengangkat
Amasa menggantikan Yoab untuk mengepalai tentara. Amasa adalah anak seorang yang
bernama Yitra, seorang Ismael, yang telah memperisteri Abigal binti Nahas,
saudara perempuan Zeruya ibu Yoab. Pendeta Kristen Ngedit Roma 3:12 "mereka"
diedit menjadi "semua orang" (KJV) They are all gone out of the way, they are
together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Bandingkan Dengan (DRB) All have turned out of the way: they are become
unprofitable together: there is none that doth good, there is not so much as
one. (ESV) All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one
does good, not even one." (GNB) All have turned away from God; they have all
gone wrong; no one does what is right, not even one. (IBIS) Semua orang sudah
menjauhkan diri dari Allah; semuanya telah sesat. Tidak seorang pun berbuat yang
benar; seorang pun tidak! Pendeta Kristen Ngedit Yehezkiel 23:21 Sensor kalimat
porno "bruising thy teats" (memegang payudaramu), the paps of thy youth.
(payudara kegadisanmu) (KJV) Thus thou calledst to remembrance the lewdness of
thy youth, in bruising thy teats by the Egyptians for the paps of thy youth.
(TB) Engkau menginginkan kemesuman masa mudamu, waktu orang Mesir
memegang-megang dadamu dan menjamah-jamah susu kegadisanmu. Bandingkan Dengan

(BIS) (Hai Oholiba, engkau ingin mengulangi kemesuman yang kaulakukan di masa
mudamu, ketika orang Mesir bercumbu-cumbu denganmu.)"

(CEV) And she longed for the days when she was a young prostitute, when men
enjoyed having sex with her.

dan masih banyak tapi gak muat...

Tawangalun asli.


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