Hey Slau, when I first got Ultimate it shipped on a drive. The problem was when they updated the library between versions it was then mandatory that you downloaded the entire library again through various different instrument downloaders which was extremely cumbersome and time consuming. A USB drive would have been very welcome. I appreciate the vote of confidence in thinking I could do a demo but for now I'll leave it to the pros who seem to have had a head start on the self voicing feature. However, if I hear something that wasn't covered specifically for PT I'll gladly chime in. The only thing I can think of off hand is the instance button which must be used every time you instantiate a new instrument or midi track. If you have 8 instrument tracks and want to get to #4 in order to change a sound, you'll have to press the instance button, move back to #1 and count 3 more clicks of the nob to get to #4. When you hit record for instrument #4 in PT you'll then hear the instrument on that track being played. Unfortunately there's no audible way of knowing what instrument you're on in terms of instances so it's very important to keep track or you'll be changing the wrong sound for the wrong PT track. One good way is using names that correspond to the track you're using. So, if it's a bass track you might want to name the track in PT Bass Instance #3 Kontact Slap1. That way you'll know to go to instance # 3 on the keyboard if you want to change the sound and you'll also know the name of the original sound in case you want to revert back at some point. Of course if you did change the sound you should also update the Name of the track in PT to reflect the name change but the instance will always remain #3. Another issue on the same point is if you duplicate a track in PT. Every time you do this it will create a new instance which can be confusing because it will put the duplicated instance after the last one. That means if you had 8 instrument tracks in PT and duplicated track 5 the instance in Komplete Kontrol would then be #9 because it would be created after the last instance. In that case you would name the duplicated track using the "instance #9" tag even though it would appear as track #6 in PT. It only takes one wrong turn of a nob to change your sound forever and not remember what it was supposed to be so it's vital to keep track of everything. I experimented with 18 instrument tracks of Komplete Kontrol yesterday with a few duplicated tracks that I changed sounds on and things went smoothly without CPU overload. As I previously said Kontrol is a bit more process intensive than other VI's and I don't know how many tracks you would get on a smaller system. Using commit or freeze would be best for freeing up CPU power and memory load.

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