On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 9:56 AM, Luke Kanies <l...@puppetlabs.com> wrote:
> On Jul 5, 2012, at 9:49 AM, Andrew Parker wrote:
>> As Deepak said, we are taking a look over Brice's patches right now. 
>> Initially we'll target them at 3.0 and then we'll probably move on to back 
>> porting and tuning a bit on 2.7 after we have 3.0 stabilized. At the same 
>> time we have been taking a look at the catalog retrieval time problem. Based 
>> on the discussion that we had a while ago on this list, I think the plan of 
>> attack is to remove the YAML translation for the caching. I haven't seen any 
>> numbers for the speed improvement that we get for that yet.
> Peter Meier has shown that storying to yaml takes at least a minute and often 
> 2-3 minutes on his systems, and that same catalog is transferred in json over 
> the wire to his agents, which takes a negligible amount of time.  So, while 
> we don't have a bunch of independent runs showing the specific wins, I think 
> we have enough anecdotal data that we can be sure.

I should note that the architecture of the indirector makes it
absolutely impossible to simply save that pre-encoded JSON, so we
still end up going through a decode, encode cycle to get it to disk -
just a faster one.

Daniel Pittman
⎋ Puppet Labs Developer – http://puppetlabs.com
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