On Dec 16, 2010, at 12:45 AM, Felix Frank wrote:

> On 12/15/2010 07:40 PM, Patrick wrote:
>> On Dec 15, 2010, at 3:09 AM, Felix Frank wrote:
>>> On 12/15/2010 12:04 PM, Patrick wrote:
>>>> I'm looking for a way to run more than one puppetmaster on the same
>>>> server under passenger.  Most of the puppet CPU load is waiting for
>>>> the catalogs to compile.  This also seems to be mostly what takes
>>>> large amounts of RAM.  I have storedconfigs on.
>>>> I want to be able to move the fileserver to a different pool of
>>>> puppetmaster processes.  Is there an easy way to tell the client,
>>>> either in the catalog or in the config file, to get the files from a
>>>> different port than the catalog?
>>>> Is there a better way to do this?  What I really want is for the
>>>> cheap file requests to stop being blocked by the expensive catalog
>>>> requests and keep the RAM usage low on the file serving processes.
>>> Hi,
>>> what springs to mind is a webserver with mod_proxy up front (or in fact,
>>> any intelligent reverse proxy), that chooses your actual webserver with
>>> respect to request URIs.
>>> Fileserver requests do go to a different root directory, yes?
>> Technically, I decided to just pass the catalog requests through
>> instead.  Catalog requests are sent to "/production/catalog/" so it
>> /should/ be easy to do.
>> Do you have any advice for me before I try separating the proxy into a
>> different (third) VirtualServer?
>> I setup a second server on 8141 and I can send puppet requests to that
>> server just fine too.
>> Then I added these lines in my VirtualHost block:
>>        ProxyPass /production/catalog/
>> https://localhost:8141/production/catalog/
>>        ProxyPassReverse /production/catalog/
>> https://localhost:8141/production/catalog/
>> They don't seem to have any effect though.
>> I can see the log entries like this one (I chopped off 3 pages of facts)
>> which shows the URL:
>> Simba.Outer:8140 - - [15/Dec/2010:10:21:07 -0800] "GET
>> /production/catalog/simba.outer?facts=eNp1 HTTP/1.1" 200 95433 "-" "-"
>> My config file for the primary virtual server is here:
>> http://pastie.org/1380225
>> In summery, both servers work, but no redirection is taking place.
> Hum, I'm not in the habit of using ProxyPass directives. I rather add
> RewriteRules that include the [P] flag.
> One stupid idea is to try without trailing slash in the ProxyPass pattern.
> It may even be necessary to enable mod_rpaf, but it is weird that no
> proxied request gets logged.
> Sorry to be of no real help.
> Felix
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